Author:DriperCreated:Monday, February 23, 2009
This is the master blog for all my blogging...

 The excitement is building as it's nearly time to leave

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Freda has resigned and I resigned today, we are now committed without the option to back out.

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Freda and I have decided to travel and we are hopeful of both getting jobs and traveling a little.

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Some people believe that data security is possible via disk destruction and many people have told me a story about erasing hard drives with magnets.

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The myth goes that you can enter a code into your mobile phone and this turn the phone into a Radar Detector in order to allow you to detect a police radar. This is simply not true on a number of levels.

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People often assume that their safe will protect data on their tapes (say a backup of their server). This is not so much a myth but an assumption many people make without any basis.

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